Who We Are

Julie Medalis
Brain Pot Pie is an ideation and marketing research consultancy led by Julie Medalis. It began as Medalis Consulting in 2006.
After a short stint as a professional musician, Julie began her career in marketing at the sadly now-defunct McCaffrey and McCall ad agency in New York. There, she was quickly bitten by the consumer insights bug and began focusing on marketing research in 1992.
She has continued to hone her consumer insight skills for more than 20 years, practicing marketing research, strategic planning, ideation, and meeting facilitation on the agency side at Doner, on the client side at Sylvan Learning, and, most recently, at her own consultancy.
Julie is a RIVA-trained qualitative moderator and CPSI-trained (Creative Problem Solving Institute) ideation leader. She’s an active, award-winning member of the Qualitative Research Consultants Association (QRCA), the leading industry organization for qualitative researchers.

The Qualitative Research Consultants Association is the leading association of consultants involved in the design and implementation of qualitative research — focus groups, in-depth interviews, in-context and observational research, and more.

The Creative Problem Solving Institute is the oldest and longest running conference dedicated to the teaching and practice of creative skills, sponsored by the Creative Education Foundation.

The Marketing Research Association is the leading and largest US association of the marketing research profession, offering professional development and advocacy.